23 April 2008


I'm not really sure about this. On the one hand, I don't really need yet another blog to forget about, another way to avoid actually staying in touch with people. On the other hand, I've been thinking about doing this for a while - kind of ever since Tim set up through a glass dimly. I've been wanting a place where I can ramble on about the randomly philosophical stuff that I think about or the TV shows that I watch or the books that I read. I could do it on my livejournal or on myspace, but so many of my students are on myspace, and I kind of use livejournal as a mass communication tool rather than an introspective tool. I also kind of want a place that will help me get back into discipline and deadline mode - I always really struggle with self-imposed deadlines, so this will kind of be an experiment for whether and for how long I can maintain it. I also struggle with actually formulating coherent thoughts after experiencing certain things, so this will also be an experiment in that. We'll see how long it lasts. Here's my deal for myself - if after, say, six months, I have not kept up with this blog, I'll copy over the entries and delete the thing. I will set myself an absolute deadline of one post every two weeks, and hopefully it will be more than that. Since I already have at least four things to write about, I think the first little while will be okay. I anticipate boredom setting in about three weeks or a month, though. Here's hoping I can push through it.


Jugulum said...

frist p0st!!


MendraMarie said...

Dude, did you READ my livejournal? I am going to have to kill you now. Or, rather, use the old standby:

Shut up, Wormie.


Brooke said...

Welcome! I am very bad at blogging but i have a site for just over a year now. Good luck with it!